
Tuesday 23 June 2020

Toolhead And Belting Completed

Almost completed toolhead. Fans are still missing.

Some Random Parts

Random Stuff

Raspberry Pi 4 with a nice blue heat sink and a camera

I got this DIN rail mountable connection blocks from a local electronics store

Z drives assembly tests

I have a decent drill so I didn't want to pay extra for cnc machined bed.

Drilling and tapping the bed was quickly done

Heater mat from Keenovo came in very quickly. They also have a superb customer service!

There be dragons

Mechanics Almost Complete

A lot of things have happened during last two weeks. When starting this project I was sure that due the COVID-19 lockdown etc. I would not be getting anything from China for several months or so. But actually standard AliExpress shippings started to flow in after only three weeks from ordering! And after last update I have received quite a lot of shipments.

I was very excited when the frame came in from Fermio labs. Two days (plus weekend) after also screws and nuts came in. And thus began the real action.

Some screws to be sorted.

Bearings, idlers, pulleys, shafts and belts also came from Powge

Nicely sorted all small items

Linear rails came in, too. After cleaning and greasing the bearings I already mounted them.

Z Motors installed

Bed is not fixed yet, just for reference

Wednesday 3 June 2020

LCD and threaded inserts

AliExpress orders seem to have started to flow in after about a month from order. Given the current state of passenger traffic and comparing this to normal shipment delays from China, I cannot say I'm disappointed. These came in much sooner than I would have anticipated.

Yesterday I received this new toy:

And today came in M3 threaded inserts.

Interestingly Finnish Post apparently didn't bother to scan and track this shipment at all. I wonder why. The package has a similar tracking code as most of the other AliExpress shipments I have:
But Posti Tracking says this package is still at airport. To my knowledge that tracking status is provided by sending company, not Posti. This would suggest that for some unknown reason Posti has not scanned the package at all.
Update: tracking information came hours later and is now up-to-date, just missing normal sorting waypoints.

So, although things are looking good, I still have 26 AliExpress orders awaiting delivery :) Plus frame from Fermio Labs. And build plate heater from Keenovo.